Monday 14 September 2009

Better Body Sports (BBS) Complete PCT - otc pct bodybuilding supplement

Bodybuilding Warehouse is proud to announce that we're the first UK retailer to stock Better Body Sports new Over-The-Counter Post-Cycle-Therapy supplement, Complete PCT!

Complete PCT includes everything you'd like to see in an OTC Post-Cycle-Therapy supplement in one convenient supplement - here's a breakdown of the ingredients you get in every serving:

- Trans Resveratrol
- ATD (1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17
- Agaricus Bisporus Mushroom Extract (30% Polysaccharides)... Read more
- Eurocoma longfolia
- Incarian 50% extract
- Forsklin 95% extract (forslean)
- Milk Thistle
- Cranberry Extract
- Nettle Root
- Hawthorne Berry
- Saw Palmetto
- Cissus Quadralangurais
- Chastberry Extract

In addition to this, they pack in a multi-vitamin complex that includes:

- Vit. A (Palmitate 250 Miu/gm)
- Vit. A (Beta Corotene 167 Miu/gm)
- Vit. C (Ascorbic Acid)
- Vit. D (Cholecalciferol 100 Miu/gm)
- Vit. E (D Alpha Toco Ac 700 Miu/gm)
- Vit.B1 (Thiamine HCL)
- Vit. B2 (Riboflavin)
- Niacin (Niacinamide)
- Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine HCL)
- Vit. B12
- Folic Acid
- Biotin (Bitrit)
- Pan Acid (D. Cal Pan)
- Potassium Iodide
- Inositol
- Betaine HC
- Bromalain
- Boron A AC

Normally, if you were to create an over the counter post cycle therapy plan that included ATD, Cissus and Trans Resveratrol, you'd be looking at spending around £90. For example:

- Gaspari Novedex XT (ATD based) - £30
- Generic Labz Cissus Drol (for the Cissus) - £26
- Anabolic Innovations PCT Support (for the Trans Res) - £30

Total = £86


BBS Complete PCT comes in at just £44.99 with our FREE delivery!


What's more you can add a prohormone to make this into an easy stack - for just £24.99 you can add a Chaparral Labs Pro-Hormone like:

- Chaparral Labs Epi - huge 120 cap Epistane clone!
- Chaparral Labs Megavol - Superdrol / M-Drol clone with added health sups!
- Chaparral Labs Pheravol - P-Plex / Phera clone for those looking to add mass!

We hope you like this new addition to our range - I certainly think it's one of the most exciting bodybuilding supplements we've seen in a while!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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