Monday 11 October 2010

Beta Alanine

Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Scientists have found that Beta Alanine is the rate limiting precursor of carnosine levels in the muscles, meaning that our carnosine levels can only increase when extra Beta Alanine are made available. High levels of carnosine in the muscles should be of specific interest to anyone who wants to improve their body because it yields many benefits including:

- Dramatic increases in exercise and endurance capacity
- Increase in lean muscle mass and rate of recovery
- Increases your anaerobic threshold
- Causes a reduction in your level of bodyfat
- Creates a significant increase in strength

Taking carnosine directly seems like a logical choice but the problem is that carnosine doesn't absorb effectively in the intestine by itself. Very little carnosine remains after it has travelled through the digestive tract and even then the small amount that gets hydrolysed into histidine and Beta Alanine which then gets taken into the muscle tissue and then synthesized back into carnosine.

Carnosine is useful to all around athletes like Mixed-Martial Artists, rugby players, boxers and footballers or indeed anyone who uses explosive strength in their specific sport or method of exercise because carnosine helps to buffer hydrogen ions in your fast-twitch muscles. By buffering hydrogen ions, you can help prevent a build up of lactic acid in your muscles during strenuous physical exercise that requires lots and lots of explosive movement, basically anything that creates lactic acid buildup like weightlifting.

Beta Alanine is good for any athlete doing any sport! Further synergistic effects can be applied to Beta Alanine when combining its uptake with creatine and as always, just taking Beta Alanine does not give it a magic bullet effect. Taking Beta Alanine won't make you bigger or shredded unless you use it in conjunction with excellent sleep, training, diet and hydration. These are the main components of the vehicle to get you to your goal but there's no question that Beta Alanine is a valuable addition to anyone's routine.

Bodybuilding Warehouse Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that combines with L-Histidine to help form Carnosine. Beta Alanine elevates Carnosine concentration in muscles and is useful for anyone participating in sports which require explosive actions, for example rugby, mixed martial arts,bodybuilding, weight lifting or football.

Using Beta Alanine will help increase the production of Carnosine, which is vital to athletes as Carnosine can increase the ability of your muscles to work harder, for longer, with
improved enduranceand reduced fatigue.

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size - 5g (1 teaspoon)
Servings Per Container - 100

100% Pure Beta Alanine Powder

Suggested Use:
For optimal effects, consume 5g's (1 teaspoon) of Beta Alanine mixed into 300ml of water or fruit juice, at any point during the day for cycles of 4-8 weeks. If convenient, you may take this dosage 20 minutes
pre-workout. Upon completion of your Beta Alanine cycle, take a 2 week break before starting again.

Stacking Tips:
Bodybuilding Warehouse Beta Alanine is great to stack with
Bodybuilding Warehouse Creatine Gluconate (click), and combined you should notice enhanced strength, power and muscle mass over an 8 week cycle. For an effective pre-workout stack, mix 5g’s Beta Alanine, with 10g’s Creatine Gluconate and 1 capsule of our Sida Cordifolia (click) 20 minutes before your workout and prepare to blow the weights away!

Whilst using Beta Alanine you may feel a tingling / flushing sensation on the skin. This is a completely normal and not harmful in any way.

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