Tuesday 14 September 2010

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is a herb that has been native to the Mediterranean for thousands of years, used to treat various afflictions and illnesses. 

The fruit from Milk Thistle contains chemicals called flavonolignands. These flavonolignands are responsible for the benefits associated with Milk Thistle.

Milk Thistle acts as very powerful anti oxidant, helping to remove toxic elements from the body. Milk Thistle is mainly used to cleanse the liver when it has been either damaged by anabolic steroid usage, high alcohol consumption or pollutants because Milk Thistle aids the liver in generating new liver cells. Milk Thistle is also helpful in reducing gall stones.

Anyone can benefit from taking Milk Thistle, particularly if they're regularly going out drinking every week. So anyone from professional athletes to university students can use Milk Thistle as it's a natural product.

Interestingly, former or current alcoholics can benefit in big ways from taking Milk Thistle as it enhances liver recovery and further protects the liver from damage that comes about via alcohol abuse.

Still, anyone who is conscious about their health can benefit from taking Milk Thistle, as it improves general health by removing toxic substances and harmful oxidants from the body.

As today's environment is much more polluted than it used to be, almost every person on the planet is exposed to pollutants on a daily basis. Milk Thistle detoxifies your body and removes these pollutants.

Athletes and bodybuilders benefit especially from taking Milk Thistle because they typically use many supplements at one time to boost performance. The high number of supplements being taken may produce synergism that results in enormous stress being put on the liver.

Athletes and bodybuilders can also use Milk Thistle after a cycle of anabolic steroids, thermogenics (fat burners) or pro hormones, during their rest from supplementation or in the down time after a cycle.

Cycling supplements in this on/off method , combined with Milk Thistle supplementation will certainly ensure better performance and optimum liver health.

Bodybuilding Warehouse Milk Thistle is fantastic value, for a high-quality milk thistle supplement. Each capsule contains an ideal 200mg of high-strength (80% Silymarin) milk thistle, with each tub containing 90 capsules. It presents the perfect juxtaposition of quality and value in a milk thistle supplement.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1-3 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 90-30

Ingredients Per Capsule:
Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin) - 200mg

Directions for Use:

Consume 1 capsule 3 times per day whilst on a prohormone cycle, or 1 capsule in the morning for general health.

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